As an Independent Public School, Eden Hill Primary School operates under a School Board. A School Board is a legally formed body that, in partnership with the principal, oversees the long-term future of the school. It is the major governing body of the school and assists the school to achieve the best education for every child.
The School Board’s functions include:
- Taking part in establishing and reviewing school priorities and general policy directions including finance arrangements to fund these;
- Taking part in evaluating school performance in achieving the set targets and priorities;
- Endorsing codes of conduct and policies for students at the school;
- Approving certain charges and contributions towards the provision of certain resources, services and facilities;
- Any agreements or arrangements for advertising/sponsorship in relation to the school; and
- Determining the school’s dress code in consultation with students, staff and parents; and
- Promoting the school in the community.
However, it is important to point out that the School Board does not take part in any day-to-day management of the School or its staff. For example, it cannot:
- Intervene in the control or management of a School;
- Intervene in the educational instruction of students;
- Exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons employed at the School; or
- Intervene in the management or operation of a school fund.
The Department of Education provides extensive information about School Boards on their website. You may find it of interest to access this by using the following URL:
School councils and boards - Department of Education
Members of the School Board